Grab this exclusive
Spring Cookie-A-Thon 2025
Cookie Cutter Kit!
A specially curated kit filled with 90+ one-of-a-kind 3D-printed cookie cutters featured in the tutorials and an ALL-ACCESS PASS—delivered right to your door!
Presented worldwide by
The Colorful Cookie, Cookie Artists & Sponsors from Around the Globe
The Original and Largest LIVE & ONLINE Event
in the Cookie Decorating Industry
Cookie Cutters
Fun Downloads
Creative Tutorials
Why is this Cookie-A-Thon kit a MUST?
There’s truly nothing like this online cookie decorating celebration! Now, you can get a curated kit delivered straight to your door, packed with cookie cutters from our Spring Cookie-A-Thon tutorials. Plus, it includes an All Access Pass to help you practice and perfect your skills!
This kit has everything you need in one convenient package—an All Access Pass and cookie cutters used by our instructors, all delivered straight to your door. No more searching for supplies! Each high-quality, 3D-printed cutter is custom designed by our instructors to perfectly complement the Spring Cookie-A-Thon 2025 tutorials.

Grab Your Kit Now
Exclusive Cookie Cutter Kit
There are a limited amount of Cookie Cutter kits available. Don't Wait... grab yours now!
Not the right fit?
Check out these other options!
Other Cookie-A-Thon Offers
Take a look at what is inside!

Here’s how it works:
Once you’ve purchased the Kit, you’ll receive an email with all the LIVE event and website library details!
If purchased before February 14th, you should receive your kit before the live event! Otherwise, your kit will get to you as soon as possible. Once you receive your kit, you can dive into the cookie decorating! Spring Cookie-A-Thon 2025 will be viewable in your library beginning February 26th.
Be sure to join the Cookie-A-Thon Facebook group to get the most out of this unique LIVE event and begin to network with the thousands of other excited participants. Don't forget to share a picture with your new kit in the group!
We can't WAIT to share what we have in store for you!

Hi Cookiers!
I am Nancy Westfall, the founder of The Colorful Cookie Club and Cookie-A-Thon.

Grab Your Kit Now
Exclusive Cookie Cutter Kit
There are a limited amount of Cookie Cutter Kits available. Don't Wait... grab yours now!
Not the right fit?
Check out these other options!
Other Cookie-A-Thon Offers
I've Still Got Questions
No problem - check out the most frequently asked below...
What is Cookie-A-Thon?
What is the Cookie-A-Thon Kit?
Is this cookie decorating event right for me?
How can I attend the FREE LIVE event?
What's the difference between the free LIVE event and the All-Access Pass?
How do I purchase an All Access Pass?
What if I can't make it on the days of the LIVE broadcast? Will I be able to view the tutorials?
Where can I find the schedule?
How can I win a prize?
Can I become a sponsor? What are the perks of becoming one?

Are you ready to join the cookie craze?
I am truly humbled that you are here and keep coming back for more! Being able to gather with cookiers from around the world is incredible. The virtual world offers us limitless possibilities! We have so many informative and interactive tutorials prepared with you in mind. We really do have lots of fun together! Investing in your hobby or business is a good thing! Having fun is also a good thing. We hope to bring smiles and lots of joy to your day!
The Cookie-A-Thon kit was created with YOU IN MIND!
I hope you don't miss out on this Cookie-A-Thon opportunity.
It is amazing just like the event!